SOAR Nutrition: The Rule of 3

SOAR Rule of 3

  1. The SOAR diet can be easily remembered by developing an understanding of the “Rule of Three.” It’s easy!

  2. The SOAR Diet is composed of three constituent macronutrients: a protein, a fat and carb. Each meal, every meal.

  3. The SOAR Diet consists of three meals per day and three snacks.

  4. The SOAR Diet meals and snacks are spaced approximately three hours apart.

  5. The body requires healthy fuel to function properly. By eating meals at regular intervals helps maintain blood sugar levels and proper hormonal balance, all of which help maintain proper brain function.

  6. The SOAR Diet, as well as the SOAR Program itself, is designed to equip you with tools to help you cope with addiction. SOAR IS NOT a fitness or weight-loss program; rather SOAR is a method to achieve a healthy lifestyle. By embracing the entirety of the SOAR philosophy, you can become prepared to face the challenges of life and to function at a higher level.

  7. By practicing good nutrition, exercise, and spirituality will affect your life for the better; and the positive benefits you can enjoy by adhering to the SOAR philosophy are great. Live the rule of three!

Eating Schedule

  1. We are trying to help you build your routine around your nutrition appointments. You must be on a eating schedule and then stick to that schedule.

  2. Make sure that you always start your day off with eating a healthy breakfast.

  3. Picture a ziplock bag bull of almonds, apples, deli turkey meat, string cheese, a few hard boiled eggs, etc…This would be an example of your snack bag—which your snacks will be in between you breakfast and lunch—and lunch and dinner.

  4. You need to try and eat your snacks at the same time every day—same goes for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  5. At dinner time is when you want to get all of your vegetables. Try and have a plate that is full of color. Sweet potatoes are good for dinner, along with salmon, chicken, salads, and vegetables, vegetables, vegetables.

SOAR Nutrition Eating Schedule Example

In SOAR we promote eating on a schedule, and at every meal balancing it out with having a protein, fat, and a carb. So at breakfast at 8am you may have four eggs (protein), a Banana (carb), and an Avocado (fat). So in that meal you got a proper balance of protein, fats and carbs. Then at 10:30 (since you’re on a schedule) it’s time for your snack. You brought a zip lock back with you full of Almonds, Deli turkey, and an Apple. You eat the turkey (couple slices), eat the apple, and eat a handful of almonds, plus hit the drinking fountain for some water. 

Now 12:30 rolls around and it’s time to eat lunch. You decide to go out to lunch, but stick to the same protein, fat, and carb model through having a chicken salad fully loaded with: chicken (protein), diced tomatoes and peppers (carb), and two scoops of guacamole with a dab of ranch dressing (fats). So now you’re feeling good with having three solid meals under your belt and drinking water all day as well. 

It’s now 3 and time for you to eat your second snack of the day. So you go back to your zip lock bag, eat a handful of almonds, chew up another apple, and eat three string cheese sticks, and hit the drinking fountain. Now you’ve got four beautiful meals under your belt and are feeling great.

Now it’s dinner time at 6:30, which is where you try to get all of your vegetables. You stick to the same model of having a piece of Salmon (protein), a half of an Avocado (fats), and the rest of your plate filled with vegetables and some fruit, and then a big glass of whole milk or water. Five meals under your belt.

Dustin Hawkins