A Weeks Gym Prescription + Spiritual Work


A. Front Squat: 8, 8, 6, 6


B. 7 RFT (TEST):

10 Wall Balls

10 Pull-Ups

10 Front Rack Lunges (135/95/75)


C1. Bent Over Rows: 4 x 10

C2. Ring Plank Holds: 4 x 60 sec. 

C3. Hollow Rocks: 4 x 12; rest 2 min. 


D. Read for 20 minutes (sometime during the day) 


A. In 10, build to a tough single in the power clean and push press / jerk (technique work / get loose for part B) 


B. 3 rounds of:

45 sec. max hang power cleans (135/95)

…….rest 15 sec. 

45 sec. max box jumps (step down) 

…….rest 15 sec. 

45 sec. max calorie rows

……..rest 15 sec. 

45 sec. max burpees

…….rest 1 min. 


C. RDL: 4 x 8

D. Bench Press: 4 x 8


A. Back Squat: 8, 8, 6, 6


B. 2 RFT (TEST):

25 AB Calories

25 Thrusters (95/65)

25 KBS (70/55/35)


C. Supine Ring Pull-Ups: 4 x 8-12

D. Send out 3 healthy text messages. 


HILL SPRINTS—Go find a long hill that isn’t too steep

A. 5 sets:

200 yard hill run

…….rest 2 min. 

B. Say a prayer / work on gratitude

NOTE: This needs to be a long hill that isn’t too steep but steep enough. A good hill is that new road just off Combe road. I would cry if I drove by and saw people running it. 


A. In 10, build to a tough single in the dead lift (not max—getting loose for B)


B. 5 RFT:

12 Push Press (115/75/65—take from rack) 

12 Dead Lift (185 / 135)

12 Burpee Bar Hops


C. Bench Press: 4 x 8

D. Tabata Sit-Ups—4 min. 


A. 60 minute walking experience in some hills at a fast pace (audiobook / podcast)

B. Call someone back. 

NOTE: park somewhere close to the base of the mountain and head up and walk around in unique spot. Stay present the entire time as you listen to audiobook.

Dustin Hawkins