Battery Weight Training Week 2


A. In 12, find todays 3RM in the Front Squat


B. Every 3 min. X 4-5:

7 Squat Cleans (155/105)

14 Kipp Pull-Ups

…rest 5 min. In B/T

C. Every 3 min. X 4-5:

14 Goblet Russian Step Ups (55/35)

14 Bent Over Rows (155 / 105)


D1. GHD Sit-Ups: 3 x 12

D2. Ring Plank Holds: 3 x 60; rest 60 sec.


A. In 12, build to a tough single in the power clean and push press (get loose / technique work)


B. EMOM x 16:

  1. 12 Push Press (155 / 105)

  2. 12 Dead Lift (245)

  3. 12 Burpees

  4. Rest

  5. Rest

…rest 6 min. In b/t        

C. EMOM x 12:

  1. 8 RDL (255 / 145)

  2. 12-16 Bar Dips / Bench Dips OR 10 HSPU

  3. Rest


D. Bench Press: 4 x 8


A. 15 minute jog @ low key pace

B. Send out 2 healthy text messages


A. In 12, build to a tough single in the back squat (get loose—just take up singles)


B. Every 4 minutes x 3-4:

10 Back Squat (225 / 155)

10-15 Banded Strict Pull-Ups

10 Box Jumps (20–step down)


C. Every 2 minutes x 3:

10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges (155 / 105)


D1. Single Arm DB Rows: 4 x 10 ea. arm

D2. Anchored Sit-Ups / GHD: 4 x 12-15; rest 90 sec.


A. In 12, build to a tough single in the dead lift (not max—get loose)


B. Every 2 min. X 4:

8 Snatch Grip Dead Lift (245 / 165)


C. Every 2 min. X 4:

12 CDLHP (115 / 75)

12 Strict Press (115 / 75)


D1. Push-Ups / Weighted Push Ups: 4 x ME

D2. Weighted GH Raises: 4 x 10; rest 2 min.


E. Arnold DB Press: 4 x 8-12


A. 45 minute snow shoe

B. 20 minutes of journaling

C. Out loud prayer

Dustin Hawkins