The Obsessions Back

For some reason, the last week caught you off guard when you allowed a substance through that wasn’t supposed to link up the obsession, but it did. You liked how it made you feel, so you started planning and justifying.

It’s not that big of a deal because it’s sold out of a gas station and poses as an energy drink. You can just drink half halfway through the day, and it will be just like drinking any other caffeine energy drink.

But this one seems different; it causes you to plan how you will use it. You plan when to drink it so it will kick in at the right time, when you want to feel euphoric in a social situation because it makes conversations take on different meanings. If you just stick to this amount—the prescribed amount—there will be no harm in partaking of this on a daily basis.

But then on day six—you take it in the morning when your plan was to take it halfway through the day; you broke your own rules. It’s not doing what it used to, so you plan to drink the other half in the afternoon and then call it quits altogether. But tomorrow’s workday now appears dreadful without it, and depression sets in. Can you even work without it? Can you talk to people without it?

Why not just go get it and go back to drinking half halfway through the day like the original plan? If you take it as prescribed, there will be no harm. But the question is, can you take it as prescribed?

Dustin Hawkins