SOAR Big Dogs: Bob Marley Week 10


A. 10 minutes of power clean work taught by Hawk


B. EMOM x 16:

  1. 8 calorie rows

  2. 8 Power Pos. Squat Cleans (115 / 75)

  3. 8 Push Press (115 / 75)—take from rack

  4. 8 burpees


C1. Back Squat: 5 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM

C2. Pull-Ups: 5 x 12-15; rest 3 min.


E. SOAR Classroom Learning - AWARENESS

Awareness is like turning on a light in a dark room. It helps us see our thoughts and feelings clearly, especially the ones that can lead us into trouble, like anger, fear, or wanting to use drugs or alcohol again. When we’re aware, we can watch our thoughts without getting caught up in them. This helps us make better choices instead of falling back into old, harmful habits.

Being aware doesn’t make all our problems disappear, but it gives us a better way to handle them. It’s like seeing the potholes on a road and being able to steer clear of them instead of falling in. Awareness helps us move forward in recovery by showing us how to avoid actions and thoughts that make us suffer.

Discussion Questions (also - refer to manual—awareness around: Health, How You Act, Resentments, Moods)

1. How has paying attention to your thoughts and feelings helped you in recovery?

2. Can you share a time when noticing a bad thought or feeling helped you make a better    choice?


A. 12 minute jog / walk (get moving and happy)

B. Week 10 (Awareness) work out of the manual

C. 30 minutes of reading. 3 x 10 (switch up the location for each 10 minutes)


A. 10 minute barbell work with Hawk


B. 6 RFT:

8 Power Cleans (115/75)

8 Wall Balls

8 Goblet Russian Step Ups (55/35)

8 Pull-Ups

8 Burpees


C. Back Squat: 2 x 5 @ 80% of 5RM


D1. Dead Lift: 5 x 5 (build to a heavy 5)

D2. Bench Press: 5 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM


E. SOAR Classroom - Step 10 Processing Group

Step 10 is like doing a daily check-up on yourself. It says, “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.” Think of it like looking in a mirror at the end of each day to see what went well and what didn’t. This step helps you keep track of your actions and feelings, making sure you’re staying on the right path and fixing any mistakes quickly.

In simple terms, Step 10 is about keeping an eye on yourself all the time. It’s like being your own coach, watching to make sure you don’t fall back into old habits. If you notice you’ve messed up or hurt someone, you don’t wait around; you say sorry and try to make it right. This keeps small problems from turning into big ones and helps you live a more honest and peaceful life.

Discussion Questions for Step 10:

1. How do you feel about checking in with yourself every day?

2. Can you share a time when admitting you were wrong helped fix a problem?


A. 30 minute walk (audiobook)

B. Send out 2 healthy text messages

C. Do SOAR Manual—Step 10 of the 12 steps. Fill out the questions and review with sponsor or someone at SOAR.


NOTE: train @ 6AM before we leave for the grand canyon. Let’s make this happen!

A. 10 minutes of barbell work with Hawk


B. 4 rounds @ 85%:

7 Front Squat (115 / 75)

11 Pull-Ups

7 Burpee Box Jumps (20)

11 KBS (55/35)

7 Box Jumps (20)


B. Back Squat: In 4 sets find, find today’s 5RM + drop set @ 90%.


C. SOAR Processing Group: What's been your consistent emotion? Highs or Lows?

SOAR Rule of 3

The SOAR Rule of Three is a simple plan to help you eat better and keep your body feeling good. It’s all about eating three meals and three snacks a day, making sure each one has a mix of three things: proteins (like chicken or beans), fats (like nuts or avocado), and carbs (like fruits or whole grains). And you try to eat something every three hours. This helps keep your body’s energy steady and your mood balanced.

Here’s how it works: You start with breakfast early in the morning, around 6:30 or 7. Then, you have a healthy snack around 10. Lunch comes around 12 or 1, followed by another snack at about 3. This way, you’re eating every few hours, and you’re getting a good mix of nutrients.

A big part of this rule is making a snack bag for the day. You fill it with healthy snacks that you can grab at snack time. This helps you avoid making unhealthy choices when you’re really hungry. Eating this way helps balance your hormones, which can make you feel better overall. Plus, having a routine like this can make your day feel more organized, which is especially helpful during recovery.

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you feel about planning your meals and snacks this way?

2. What are some healthy snack ideas you think could work for your snack bag?


Grand Canyon Baby! LFG!

Dustin Hawkins