Friday WAR Strength & Conditioning

"The Road"

WAR Strength & Conditioning WorkoutA1. Clean Grip Deadlift 3 reps X 3 (Heavier than last week) Rest 15 secondsA2. HSPU AMRepsAP X 3 Rest 2 Minutes +3-5 rounds for time of:15 Hang Power Snatch (75)15 Russian KBS (70,55,35)15 Box Jumps (20inch)15 Push Ups (Chest to Deck)NOTE: 3 rounds for beginners, 5 rounds for everyone else.Reminder: Open House / BBQ 0n Saturday from 4pm-8pm at the WAR Gym.  Below is a good short blurb on stress that I found. It's related to the book SPARK - The New Science of Exercise & the Brain.

Stress If, by around 4pm, it feels as if a stressful day at work has turned your brain to blancmange, it might not only be due to overwork or a shortage of double espressos. We respond to stress in the same way our ancestors did -- by adopting a "fight or flight" response. Adrenalin and other hormones are released into our bloodstreams and our muscles are primed for response. The problem is that, these days, stress is more likely to be brought on by a tricky PowerPoint presentation or a job interview than an attack by marauding lions, so the toxins that build up for a physical response have no outlet. The results can be good; the cardiovascular system is accelerated and we can work harder (for a while, at least), but others are not so good; stress slows down the gastrointestinal system and reduces appetite, and can overexcite the brain, fuzzing our thought. By responding to or anticipating stress with fight (kickboxing or judo, say) or flight (30 minutes on the treadmill, say, or 50 lengths of the pool), blood flow to the brain is increased, allowing the body to purge the potentially toxic by-products of stress. According to Ratey, exercise also helps in the long term. "It builds up armies of antioxidants such as Vitamins E and C," he says. "These help brain cells protect us from future stress."