Tuesday WAR Strength & Conditioning

"Tame the Wolf"

WAR Strength & Conditioning WorkoutA. KBS latter for time 30,25,20,15,10 (55,35) Rest 5 MinutesB. Knees2Elbows (Adv.toes2Bar)10-15 reps X 5 Rest 1 Minute +AMRoundsAP in 10 minutes of:10 Kipp Pull Ups (Scaled band. Adv. CTB)10 Ring Dips (Scaled Band)Read the below article - I found it to be pretty interesting.  Nothing I haven't heard before, but there are a couple of things that caught my interest.  I have noticed through my own impulsive behavior that I can manage my cravings if I can control my mood - meaning not letting myself get to High or to Low.  I can usually make sure I don't get to high by staying grounded and working on being a humble spiritual person.  However, I do have trouble not getting to low (depressed). I have found that depression feeds addiction, and when a person gets depressed they automatically think about taking something that will make them feel better. Through my experience with depression, I have learned to just "wait it out".  I actually embrace it and try to learn from the times I'm low.  I fight my way out of the hole by exercise; and by working on my spirituality. I have found that during that depressing time I actually learn the most about myself, which only makes me a stronger person.This is the WAR I live, and the WAR a lot of you live. Keep fightin. CravingsBrain imaging research is revealing that the signals, or cues, that may spark an addicted person's desire to take drugs can be incredibly subtle or quick. Expanded knowledge about craving helps scientists develop new medical treatments for addiction.Cravings - powerful desires - are part of the human condition. Our brains are "hard-wired" to appreciate and to pursue natural rewards such as food and sex because of their critical survival value.Drugs used by addicted people activate the same circuits that motivate food and sexual behavior. Signals, called cues, can be sights, sounds, smell or thoughts. Cues activate the brain's powerful "go!" circuit creating cravings. The cravings for alcohol and other drugs can be even stronger than those for food or sex.Managing the cravings associated with food, sex and drugs is the responsibility of the brain's inhibitory "stop!" circuitry. Research suggests that some people have better "stop!" systems or better "brakes," than others. Individuals with weaker "brakes," may have much greater difficulty managing cravings, putting them at increased risk for addiction, and/or for relapse. Exposure to some drugs may actually weaken the brain's braking system.Cravings may have their beginnings outside conscious awareness. Recent brain imaging research shows that drug and sexual cues as brief as 33 milliseconds can activate the brain "go!" circuit even though the person is not conscious of the cues.In addition to cue-induced craving, desire can also be fueled by:A small sample of the drug/food/rewarding activity (the "salty peanut" effect: "just a little" often leads to much more!)The wish to avoid negative effects (such as drug withdrawal, or negative moods, etc.). Many people with addictions have a co-occurring mood disorder (anxiety or depression). These moods can themselves become triggers for food or drug craving, increasing the risk of relapse.