Thursday Red Session Week 2

Cloud Gate

WAR/WAR Strength & Conditioning WorkoutA. Back Squat 5 Reps X 3 (Increase weight from Monday) Rest 2-3 MinutesB. Bench Press 5 Reps X 3 (Increase weight from last week) Rest 2-3 MinutesC. Dead lift 5 Reps X 3 (Increase weight from Monday) Rest 2-3 Minutes +3 sets of:5 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (135,115,95,75,65)200 Meter Run/Sprint (WAR sign & back) Rest 2 Minutes GYM NOTE: Listen to your body. Take care of your body. A lot of you are climbing pretty good in your strength gains, it's important that your nutrition is in line so that you are able to recover.  Make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day. On the last portion of the workout you will time each individual round. Try and get better each time.  This is Elite shape, if you aren't taking care of yourself this training will get you.PRESENTATION REMINDER: Dr. Rick Hawkes will be presenting at 7 - please be on time. Make it happen.Classroom DiscussionA. Presentation: Rick Hawkes, PCB. WAR Assignment: Think of someone in your life that made poor decisions.  How did it affect them later in life?  Now think about someone you admire who made good decisions – compare the two.  Where do you see yourself going?  Where do you want go?C. Journal Title: Making Good Decisions Versus Bad Decisions & the Role it Will Play in My Life