Monday Black Session Week 1

Black Session

Welcome to the Black Session!  In this session you will grow both physically and mentally.  Challenge yourself to be committed to this program.  If you make this WAR program a priority – I promise that an incredible lifestyle will unfold right before you, and will open your eyes to a whole new world.WAR WorkoutA. Back squat latter 1-5 AMRoundsAp in 5 Minutes (225,205,185,155,135. Ex-1 rack it, 2 rack it, etc..)    Rest 3 MinutesB1. Push Press 12 Reps X 4 (155,135,115,95)B2. Bent Over Rows 12 Reps X 4 (Same weight as B1)    Rest 3 Minutes    +3 sets of:5 Dead Lift10 Burpees    Rest 2 MinutesClassroom DiscussionA. 6 week overview: Discuss what to expect & what is expected (workouts, classroom, etc). B. WAR Assignment:Write in your Journal about what you Hope to get out of this program?  What is your definition of “Hope”?C. Journal Title: Hope & the Role it Will Play in my Life.