Thursday Black Session Week 1

Thinking Clear 

WAR WorkoutA. Back squat latter 1-3 AMRoundsAp in 5 Minutes (245,225,205,185,155,135. Ex-1 rack it, 2 rack it, etc..Increase load from Monday, 15-20lbs heavier)    Rest 3 MinutesB1. Push Press 8 Reps X 4 (175,155,135,115,95...Increase load from Monday, 10lbs Heavier)B2. Bent Over Rows 8 Reps X 4 (Same weight as B1)    Rest 3 Minutes    +4 sets of:3 Power CleanRow 200 Meters (100 %)    Rest 2 MinutesGYM NOTE: Similar workout to Monday - only reps are different.  Smaller rep scheme, means we are looking to increase the load 15-20 lbs from Monday on both A, B1 & B2.  Look to increase your load from last week on the Power Clean (Power Clean may be down a little bit due to fatigue from row).  New people will be doing the dead lift.  Row is 100% effort.  Make it happen Cap'n.Post loads,  Power Clean & Row individual times, and any comments you may have to the comments section.Classroom DiscussionA. WAR Journal Topic Discussion "Hope": What is your definition of Hope?

"Hope is the anchor of our souls.  Everyone is in need of Hope - young or old, strong or weak, rich or poor.  We should “Hope” for a better life.  Everyone in this life has their challenges and difficulties.  The reason for these trials cannot always be fully understood except on the basis of “Hope” because there is often a larger purpose which we do not always understand.  Peace comes through Hope"

B. WAR Presentation/Journal Topic Discussion "Nutrition": What did you think about the Dietician’s presentation?  What role will nutrition play in living the WAR lifestyle?

“I never knew how incredible I could feel by putting nothing but healthy food into my body – it’s a high in itself.  My mental state seems clearer, and I’m an overall happier person throughout the day.  I’ve learned how to be disciplined about what I put into my body, and it feels as if I have a constant stream of energy flowing through my system at all times” 

NOTE: Lets have a good discussion tonight.  Think of something to bring up concerning "Hope", or Nutrition.  Your comment may help someone. Thanks.