Monday Black Session Week 2
Cathedral Rainbow
WAR WorkoutA. Back squat latter 1-5 AMRoundsAp in 7 Minutes (245, 225,205,185,155,135. Working with a partner. You go, they go, etc. Heavier than last Monday)Rest 3 MinutesB1. Bench Press 12 Reps X 4Rest 10 secondsB2. Bent Over Rows 12 Reps X 4 (Heavier than last week)Rest 3 Minutes + 3 sets of: 5 Dead Lift (Heavier than last week) HSPU AMRepsAP OR Shoulder Press (95)Rest 2 MinutesGYM NOTE: Increase load from last week on Squat Latter & Bent Over Rows. Pick a weight on the Bench Press that will challenge you - but that you can get. For those of you who still haven't gotten comfortable on the HSPU, you have got to start getting comfortable. The HSPU is an incredible movement - let's work at them this week. Work with a partner throughout this entire workout. Push each other. One person finishes the entire set and rests while the other person works. Lets have a good week!! Make it happen. Classroom DiscussionA. Weekend Assignment Discussion - Creating your Circle of Influence.B. Journal Topic Discussion: Writing in your journal is the heart and soul of the WAR program. If taken seriously, the journal can be an amazing tool for getting thoughts down on paper, deep thinking, and reflection on how you were feeling at any given time.C. Journal Title: Self Examination & the Role it Will Play in my Life“It was only when I deeply examined myself was I then able to take the inside out approach, instead of the outside in approach- allowing me to see clear”