Tuesday Black Session Week 4
Slow Down
WAR Workout5 sets of:10 Dead Lifts (225,205,185,155)10 Burpee Bar Hops10 Russian KBS Rest 3 minutes (Time Each Round)A1. 10 knees2elbows (Adv.Toes2Bar) X 3 Rest 10A2. 45 second Ring Plank Holds X 3 Rest 1 minuteGYM NOTE: Time each individual round. After round 5 Rest exactly three minutes and then go into Knees2Elbows/Toes2bar/ & Plank hold couplet. Be diligent in your rest times - pay attention. Make it happen.Classroom Discussion
A. WAR Presentation: Northern Utah Therapy Allen Brooks LCSW, “The BEAST ”@7PM. Please don’t be late.B. WAR Assignment: Rewrite in your journal what you learned from the Therapist today. Think about the things that he talked about and how they relate, or could relate to you. Think about how you spend your time. Do you watch television, read, video games, workout, etc? Is the way that you are spending your time positive? Is it negative? Is it Lazy? C. Journal Title: How I Spend my Time & the Role it Will Play in My Life.