Friday Black Session Week 1
Winter Night
WAR WorkoutMax rounds in 3 minutes of:Power cleans 3 reps (135,115)Push-ups 6 RepsAir Squats 9 RepsRest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.GYM NOTE: We will go in partners. 1 person will go through the entire workout while their partner encourages them, and then you will switch. Scaled will be clean high pulls for beginners. Weekend Assignment: Write a letter, write in a card, or text someone this weekend (Family member, friend, grandparents, etc.) Tell them about this new WAR program that you have started. Tell them about the changes you Hope to make; and have made by doing this program. At the end of this letter, text, or card, tell the person how much they mean to you. Then I want you to write in your journal how you felt while writing the letter & after you sent it. A TEXT MESSAGE is a powerful form of communication. Send someone a meaningful text out of the blue and watch what happens. You can make someones day through a heartfelt text message. Make this happen – it’s magical.