Friday WAR Strength & Conditioning
PROGRAM NOTE: We will resume The Black Session (wk2) on Monday. Gym will be open today @ 4 & 5PM. The new WAR Black Session workbook is complete. I will bring one tomorrow for you all to take a look at. For those that just started the program, the workbook comes with your entrance into the program. For those who have been through the program and are going through it again, the work book is $20 dollars. I'm really excited about this, and I would highly recommend that you pick one up so you can experience what it has to offer. This workbook is the heart and soul of the WAR program; if you aren't continuously working out of it, you aren't doing the program right, and your not getting the most out of it. Let's make it a goal to all work hard on this aspect of the program, remember: "Our physical bodies can be strong and healthy, but what's the point if we leave our minds in flabby condition". The journal and classroom is where we work on the mind. Make it Happen. Thanks."Exercise'n the Mind, it"s Brain Strength Training"-Eminem
WAR Workout4 sets of:10 Back Squats OR 15 Goblet Squats (185,155,135,115,95)20 Pull Ups30 Push Ups (Adv.Ring Push Ups)40 Sit Ups Rest 3 MinutesGYM NOTE: Advanced will do back squats, beginners will do Goblet Squats.