Thursday Black Session Week 2

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WAR WorkoutA1. Back Squat 5 Reps (225,205,185,155,115,95,75) X 5    Rest 1 minuteA2. KB Split Squat 8 reps per leg (Use KB/DB 55,35)X 5    Rest 1 minuteA3. Wall Balls 12 reps X 5    Rest 1 minuteA4. KB/DB Push Press 12 Reps (55,35,25,15) X 5    Rest 1 MinuteGYM NOTE: Pick from the 7 loads on the Back Squat. This load should challenge you for 5 reps, but be doable each round with perfect technique (force knees out). I will help you on your decision as of what load to use. So the flow of this workout is simple: A1 rest 1minute, A2 rest 1minute, A3 rest 1 minute, A4 rest 1 minute, and then back to A1; and so on and so forth for 5 cycles. The KB split squat are slow and controlled reps. Do all eight reps (Lunge Position) on one leg & then switch. Hold weight down by side. KB push press is just like the barbell push press, just with KB/DB's. Stick to the tempo, as this is the most important aspect of the workout aside from proper technique. Let's be organized and on time.Classroom Presentation/Discussion Make sure you read your workbook assignments prior to coming to class, this is important. Bring some ideas to the discussion. Get the most out of this.A. Importance of Self Examination & Self UnderstandingB. Becoming Educated About Addiction/Drugs & Alcohol

The Inside Out Approach

Stephen R. Covey

Albert Einstein observed, “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”The ‘’Inside-Out’’ approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness means to start first with self; even more fun- damentally, to start with the most inside part of self / with your paradigms, your character, and your motives. It says if you want to have a happy marriage, be the kind of person who generates positive energy and sidesteps negative energy rather than empowering it. If you want to have a more pleasant, cooperative teenager, be a more understanding, em- pathic, consistent, loving parent. If you want to have more freedom, more latitude in your job, be a more responsible, a more helpful, a more contributing employee. If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy. If you want the secondary greatness of recognized talent, focus first on primary greatness of character.The inside-out approach says that private victories precede public victories, that making and keeping promises to our- selves precedes making and keeping promises to others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves.

“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change the environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature”

-Ezra Taft Benson