Friday Black Session Week 4

Experienced a New Way

PROGRAM NOTE: I am going to start posting the weekend assignments on Saturdays instead of Fridays.  It will be part of the Saturday Journey. Thanks.WAR WorkoutPerform 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps for time of:Hang Power Snatch (95,65)KBS (70,55)Goblet Squat (70,55)    +rest 5 minutes50 HSPU For TimeGYM NOTE: We will review and work on the Power for the first 20-25 minutes of class.  Try and be on time. KBS need to clear your ears, meaning straight up overhead. You will use the same KB for your Goblet Squat. 50 HSPU for time is for the advanced; others will do holds. Let's have a good day and finish the week strong. Intensity is key....Thinking Out Loud: All it takes is to become an outside the box thinker. Dare to listen to the whisper of good that enters your mind; and then dare to act on it. To really change you have to do things that you may feel are unnatural to you like: prayer, reading, going on a hike, snowshoeing, more reading, finding solitude and coupling it with prayer, reading in remote places, going skiing; and on and on it could go. I guess what I'm saying is that you need to look to experience new healthy things that can still get you high; but high in a real way.  This hight that I speak of is a hight that you don't have to come down from; you don't have to chase this high.  This high remains; and is even deeply remembered. This high is lasting happiness, not temporary happiness. How do you expect to change if you don't try an new way? What I'm promoting is a new way to experience life. A new Journey for a time.  -Hawk

Schedule Time for Your Inner Work

Richard Carlson, PhD

In the field of financial planning there is a universally accepted principle that it’s critical to pay yourself first, before you pay your other bills – to think of yourself as a creditor.  The rationale for this financial wisdom is that if you wait to put money into savings until after everybody else is paid, there will be nothing left for you! The result is that you’ll keep postponing your savings plan until it’s too late to do anything about it.  But, lo and behold, if you pay yourself first, somehow there will be just enough to pay everyone else too. 

The identical principle is critical to implement into your program of spiritual practice.  If you wait until all your chores, responsibilities, and everything else is done before you get started, it will never happen. Guaranteed.I have found that scheduling a little time each day as if it were an actual appointment is the only way to ensure that you will take some time for yourself.  You might become an early riser, for example, and schedule one hour that is reserved for reading, praying, reflecting, meditating, yoga, exercise, or however you want to use the time.  How you choose to use the time is up to you.  The important thing is that you do schedule the time and that you stick to it.I had a client who actually hired a baby-sitter on a regular basis to ensure that she had the chance to do the things she felt she needed to do.  Today, more than a year later, here efforts have paid enormous dividends.  She’s happier than she ever thought possible.  She told me that there was a time that she never would have imagined hiring a babysitter to ensure this type of quality time for herself. Now that she has done it, she can’t imagine not doing it! If you set your mind to it, you can find the time you need.