

Music can pierce the soul, leading our thoughts into an incredible direction. Music can bring priceless memories back into our minds; memories of the person we once used to be before addiction and depression crept into our lives. Music can make us think on a heightened level, allowing for thoughts of greatness to flow into our mind from time to time. Music is a gift from the Invisible Hand.Music can flip our moods; music can make us cry; music can give us a vision of a new life; music can make us want to be a better person; music can direct our thoughts towards charity, family, and God; music can direct our thoughts towards being thankful; music can lead us to being proactive and positive; music can help us through times of adversity, and even struggles with our addictions; music, can in fact - get us high.I have noticed the invisible hands work, through music, in my own life. I have noticed that in times of desperate need a beautiful musical gem always seems to come forth that helps lift me out of the dark, and back into the light.  The song whispers powerful memories back into my mind; memories that had seemed to be lost, but have now returned, helping me to visualize my innocent wonderful youth. You see, as kids we were untouched by the things of this world. Downtime wasn't that big of a deal back then, and the simple things in life were enjoyable and even fun. There is power in music, for it can take us back to innocence in our way of thinking, reminding us of the peace we once had.Music can also propel us to slowly change by motivating us through its melodies and lyrics. Now keep in mind, I'm talking about music that uplifts the soul, and enlightens the mind to that of a more higher order of thinking. I'm talking about music that invites the Invisible Hand into our presence, directing our thoughts to a more charitable, progressive way of thinking.I can think back over the years about certain songs that have played a huge role in my continuous pursuit to find peace and happiness. As I continue to grow and progress, I can't help but recognize the influence these influential songs have had on me; they've brought me comfort in a time when I desperately needed it, and for that I'm thankful.Music can get us high. Uplifting music is another one of Gods gifts to we who so badly need another way to get lifted; and music does just that, it lifts our spirits if we allow it to. Look for opportunities to get lifted through powerful music. Search for songs that will direct your thoughts towards greatness. The Invisible Hand wants us to be happy. He knows and understands our weaknesses, therefore, He want's to present us with alternative ways to get lifted, and music is one of his greatest gifts, we just have to be open and receptive to receiving it. We have to think outside the box while searching for the songs that will get us high. We can't just be locked into one style or genre, we have to be willing to find out what other styles and genre's have to offer. We have to search for music, melodies, and lyrics that uplift our thoughts towards charity, because after all, charity is the pure love of the Invisible Hand. Charitable thoughts lead to charitable actions; charitable actions lead to an influence on others; and having the ability to have a positive influence on others becomes the greatest gift that we as human beings can come to obtain in this life, and music can lead our way of thinking towards being this influential person by assisting in the development of beautiful thoughts and insights, further helping us to visualize the person we want to become.-HawkClick here to go to todays GYM Experience