Remote Experience

Spiritual Work

 A. Take today completely off physically. Work on your spirituality through scripture study. Pick a section that you feel like you want to study, and then start studying it with a real intent to learn. Don't be casual, or in a hurry. Look to gain an understanding. For instance, I have been studying the book of Alma for the last three months and I've had an incredible experience doing so. I can't help but think that the person who studies the scriptures with a real intent to learn has a different outlook and understanding of life than the person who does no such things. Studying the scriptures is one of my favorite things to do, and I wouldn't even call me a religious fanatic by any means. I use the scriptures and God to help me in my life, and it's so incredible when you start really seeing the work of the Invisible hand come to play a powerful role in your life; but to have this edge, you need not be casual in the way that you approach your spiritual work. Go hard at it just like you go hard at the workouts, and even your job. Email me what you are going to study:

NOTE:I'm not promoting religion, I'm promoting spirituality. If you are a person that gets offended easily by studying such concepts then this blog/program is definitely not for you. I don't believe in being offended; being offended is a choice. We don't have to make the choice to be offended. I have found great strength in overcoming my addiction by studying the scriptures. It works if you diligently study them. Make it happen. 


B. Look to relax on this day; It's only when we truly relax that our mind is allowed to be creative. Look to be creative in your thinking, and then write about it. What do you envision yourself doing ten years from now? What do you think people will think of you? I promote having quiet strength - do get it?