Gym Experience

 A Solid Path

A. TnG Power Clean 5,4,3, 5,4,3-rest 1minute- + Bench Press 8,8,6,6,4 – rest 2 minutes.NOTE: So basically you are doing a 6 set superset. You do 5PC rest 1 minute; then 8 BP. On the power clean you should start at about 60%, and then as you go down in reps finishing at 3, you should then be at about 70%. So you next set would be 4PC + 8BP, and so on and so forth. Challenge yourself on the bench press, be smart with what weight you choose to start with; don’t start to heavy.       + 25 Heavy Unbroken KB Swings – Rest 1 Minute X 3 NOTE: Make sure you are using your hips. Keep your chest up and look to explode through your hips before you pull with your arms. You should be able to swing it with one are. Your arms should only act as chains.       +C. Click to Read article by “Remember That You Become What You Practice Most”