Gym Experience

Live the Slow Life

A. Build to a tough double in the Front Squat in a short amount of sets; short rest       + B. For Time Complete:150 Double U's + 30 FS (135,95) + 20 L-PullUps + 10 HSPU + 20 L-PullUps + 30 FS (135,95) + 150 Double U'sNOTE: If you don't have double unders then do 150 singles. If you can't do L-Pull Ups, scale to Kipp Pull Ups.  If you can't do HSPU (Hand Stand Push Up), do shoulder press. Log FS load (Front Squat), and time accomplished. For those who can't do this workout as recommended, continue to work on improving. Your goal should be to eventually be able to do all workouts as they are written, and not scale them. Thanks.