Gym Experience
The Ability
A. 50 HSPU for timeNOTE: Advanced do elevated. If you can't do handstand pushups, then do handstand holds, where your goal will be to get comfortable upside down, and also to build strength. Work on this for 10 minutes, all others do 50 HSPU for time. +B. Find your 3RM in the back squat - Low BarNOTE: Let's see where you are at. Your range of motion needs to be there in order to obtain a true 3RM. (Log this, since Mondays back squat load will be determined by it.) If you are a beginner, and your technique isn't there, then finding your 3RM doesn't hold true for you. You just need to find a 3RM based on your skill and technique level. Don't try and go heavy if you don't know what you are doing. +C. For time complete 3 Rounds of:Run 400 Meters + 21 KBS (70,55, 35) + 12 Pull UpsNOTE: This is a tester, so log this one. KBS need to clear your ear for advanced. Beginner - just do Russian KBS, or eye level. +D. Yesterdays WAR Concept comment by Alex Stracener. Thanks Alex - this is good stuff. I think a disease like Cancer and a disease like Addiction are very similar… They both have the ability to change the chemistry of the human body, they both can slowly eat away at you until there’s nothing left and if untreated, both can have a deadly outcome even if you’re doing everything in your power to be “healthy”. I also believe they’re the same in that both can go into remission, however, it will vary from person to person… what I mean by that is, there’s no book you can read and there’s no step by step process you can take to guarantee success… these diseases attack each person in a similar, but very different way, so I think you’ve gotta work your ass off and get a little bit lucky to win the WAR! I also think that keeping a positive state of mind is imperative to success in either of these cases… If you think you’re sick and have no hopes of winning whatever battle it is you’re fighting, then there’s no point in even trying! Unlike Cancer where you can actually be rid of it completely, unfortunately i don’t believe you can ever really be cured from the disease of addiction. Like I said before, you can work your ass off and be clean for years and years and years, but if you ever decide to let up on your recovery or if you have a “bad” moment that you’re not prepared for or whatever it is, you can slip back into active addiction in an instant! In my opinion, it doesn’t matter if you’ve got 1 day clean or 20 years clean, depending on the circumstances and the situation, you’re just as close to falling back to the bottom as the next person! As bad and pessimistic as that sounds, I genuinely believe that to be true, because I’ve seen people with 25 years relapse over something as simple as running into an old using friend. Thanks Hawk for all that you do! I continue to strive to be a better, healthier, more productive person in large part to you and your program! Keep up the good work!Alex Stracener