Gym Experience
Slow Life
A. AMRoundsAP in 10 Minutes of:5 Ring Dips + 5 Burpees + 5 HSPUNOTE: Scale HSPU with shoulder press & Ring Dips with Bench Dips +B. Find Your 3 RM in the Back Squat - Low BarNOTE: Compare notes + Log new PR. +C. For Time Complete 21, 15, 9 Reps for Time of:Back Squat (Low Bar) + Burpee Box JumpsNOTE: Max Loads 185/135. If you are a novice, and don't quite understand the back squat, then understand the back squat before attempting such workouts. Scale doing Air squats or Goblet Squats with a KB. The burpee box jumps should be done on a 20" box. +D. Read "Christ's Way"