Gym Experience
Thanks to all who came out to the first WAR workshop; it was a great experience
GYM EXPERIENCE NOTE: Try and look at these as three different workouts to choose from (Clear, Strength, Conditioning). For Example: If you are advanced, then you may want to do all three; the Clear, Strength, and Conditioning. If you are a novice, you may only want to do the clear or the conditioning, and then on occasion, as you get stronger and more familiar with the movements, you may want to start working on the strength. Or if you're in a hurry, you may only choose to do the section that is going to take you the least amount of time. Or if you're the type of individual who just wants to work on strength; then maybe you only participate in the strength portion of the workouts. Point being; be creative, and do whatever style fits your goals best.CLEARA. AMRAP in 10 Minutes of:7 Supine Ring Pull Ups + 7 Elevated Push UpsNOTE: Compare old notes; look to improve.STRENGTHA. 3 Clean Grip Dead Lift; Rest 2 Minutes X 3 +B. 1 Clean & Jerk; rest 1 minute X 4 @ 68%; 1 Clean & Jerk; rest 1 minute X 4 @ 73%; 1 Clean and Jerk; rest 1 minute X 4 @ 78%; NOTE: Slightly heavier than last week (look at logged notes). Make sure you are doing a squat clean, not a power clean. First 12 Reps on the minute. If you are successful with all 12 reps, then keep going till you fail. Log loads, and how this goes.. +C. 5 Clean High Pulls; Rest 2 Minutes X 3NOTE: Go heavy; heavier than your Clean of course since we are working on the strength of the pull. Log loads used. +D. 2 Front Squat; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: 85% of your 1 RM. If you don't know your 1RM base it off effort, or base it off a rough guesstimate.CONDITIONING3 Rounds For Time of:30 KBS + 30 Calorie RowsNOTE: KB Load 70,55,35. Log Time Completed.WAR Concept: Being ScaredBeing scared is a big part of life for the recovering addict. Now that they are clear the world is coming at them quick, which is scary for them since they have been in hiding for so long. The WAR gym experience, coupled with the spiritual component, helps the addict to not be afraid anymore; and to step up and fight their way back into the world, even when they might not feel comfortable doing so. The recovering addict needs to come to the realization that's it's okay to be afraid, but to not let being afraid stop them from doing the things that they are afraid of. If you are afraid of speaking in public, or even when involved in social interactions, that's okay, but don't let it stop you from performing when the opportunity presents itself; but realize that you probably aren't going to be perfect, and that's okay, because it's nothing more than a learning experience for you as you slowly become healed through the progression that the Invisible Hand of Help is slowly guiding you through. He knows you are afraid, but he is with you, and is even eager to assist you in making your weaknesses become strengths; but through His slow healing process you must have a reverence and a focused intensity about you, since that is what it takes to keep him close to you as you work on overcoming your addictive ways, and even growing towards your full human potential.Write about, and even discuss this concept.