Gym Experience

WAR Lifestyle Coach - Cole Boyer

"Jar of Milk + Lifting Weights in a Garage"

 GYM EXPERIENCE NOTE: Try and look at these as three different workouts to choose from (CLEAR, STRONG, BALANCE). If you are advanced, then you may want to do all three, or two of the three. If you are a novice, you may only want to do the CLEAR or the BALANCE, and then on occasion, as you get stronger and more familiar, you then may want to start working on the STRONG, or vice versa. Or if you're the individual thats in a hurry, you may only choose to do the section that is going to take you the least amount of time. Or if you're the type of individual who just wants to work on strength, then this individual would just focus on the STRONG, since the STRONG programming will focus primarily on weight lifting and power lifting. Point being; be creative, and do whatever style fits your goals best. Pick and choose which style, or which program best fits your situation. However, don't take the easy way out, but look to improve daily, for that is the way of life that the WAR Lifestyle promotes. Addiction is not a quick fix, but is a lifelong battle for many, which means that the WAR lifestyle should be a lifelong pursuit for many, since we are under the firm belief that the WAR lifestyle is the only way.  CLEARComplete 21,15,9 Reps For Time of:Wall Ball Shots - 10 Ft markPull UpsSTRONGA. 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: Use 70% of your 1RM in the power snatch/squat snatch, depending which one you are stronger at.      +B. 2 Snatch Push Press + 2 OHS; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: Heavier than last week since the reps are less.BALANCEComplete 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps For Time of:Power Clean + HSPUNOTE: Use 90% of your 1 RM+WAR CONCEPT: Click to Read "Intensity"Write about, and even discuss this article