Gym Experience

In Vegas for a conference. This place is incredible and is actually far more enjoyable experiencing it CLEAR. I actually get to see what it's all about this time instead of being trapped in a head prison all day. The clear vegas is far better than the clouded vegas. 

CLEARA. 45 Second Ring Plank Hold; rest 15 Seconds; 45 Second Sit-Ups; rest 15 seconds X 5B. 10 High Throw Wall Balls; rest 30 seconds X 3NOTE: Hight throw means throw the ball up as high as you can- being explosive coming out of the bottom...Get your legs good and warmed up before going into the strong. STRONGA. Find your 1 RM in the Hang Squat CleanNOTE: let's see where you're at. Log what you get...."Get excited to set a new PR"B. 3 Front Squat; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Three work sets -Heavy, and sets across. Build to the load you want to use and then begin. Log these as it's important for future programming......"The Stronger Athlete is the Better Athlete"BALANCE4 Rounds For Time of:20 Wall Balls - 10 ft + 20 KBS (70/55)NOTE: Advanced - do Unbroken...Don't let your mind get in the way, but get lost in the escape of the workout.