Gym Experience
Video of WAR Life Coach Bub Hatch presenting on WAR Nutrition
CLEAR3 Rounds @ 100% of:Run 200 Meters + 25 Ring Dips + 25 Box Jumps (20") STRONGA. 3 Bench Press; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Needs to be three work sets; so build to a challenging three then begin. Log these. B. 3 Snatch High Pulls; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Go heavy on the high pulls; novice, just woking on the technique of the pull. BALANCEAMRepsAP in 7 Minutes:3 Push Press (135/95) + 3 Toes2Bar+ 6 Push Press (135/95) + 6 Toes2Bar + 9 & 9 and so on and so fourth until the 7 minutes is up.NOTE: Clean it up off of the ground as apposed to going from the rack. Log how many reps you get.