Gym Experience

Bar to be placed right below the spine of the scapula

CLEAR3 Sets of (not for time) of: 10 HSPU + 4-8 Muscle Ups + 10-15 Supine Ring Pull UpsNOTE: If you can't do HSPU then do hand stand holds..If you can't do MU then work on ring dips, or work on getting the MU. STRONGA. Split Jerk 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; rest as needed.NOTE: Start at 60% and then work your way up to 90%+. Log how you do…B. 2-3 Push Press; rest as needed X 3.NOTE: Make these as heavy as possible. BALANCEComplete AMRAP in 6 minutes of:3 Bar Muscle Ups + 6 Ring Dips + 9 Toes2BarNOTE: If you can do ring MU then do your toes2bar on the rings (toes2rings), and you ring dips at the top of the third MU.