Gym Experience
Evan Parker, Pitcher at Dixie State College
Today is Evans last day before he heads back to school. It's safe to say that not many student athletes train the way that Evan does. His intensity in the gym has been incredible, and his willingness to get the most out of his collegiate career is inspiring.
No matter what happens in your baseball career moving forward - you will always know that you did everything in you power to be the best baseball player that you could be.
Thanks for going hard bro. Good luck with the upcoming season.
CLEAR3 sets of:10-15 Toes2Bar + 3-6 Muscle Ups; rest 1 minuteSTRONGA. Quickly build to a tough single in the SnatchNOTE: Only increase in loading if you are in perfect mechanics. You will not get strong at this lift if you don't work on perfecting the technique; it's all about being efficient and crisp. B. Quickly build to a tough single in the Clean & JerkNOTE: Only increase in loading if you are in perfect mechanics. Log how you do….C. 5-6 Front Squat; rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Descend down 4 seconds, pause 1 second in the bottom, then Xplode up…If last times load was too light then slightly increase your loading. Stick with the same challenging load for all four sets across. Be diligent in the tempo. I would rather have you go lighter and stick to the tempo, than heavier and not sticking to the tempo. BALANCE5 Sets for times of:Run 400 Meters12 HSPU16 CTB Pull Ups20 KBS (70/55/35) rest 4 minutesNOTE: Log 5 separate times… +WAR CONCEPT: Click to Read "Loss of the Spiritual"