Gym Experience
Group Therapy
CLEAR3 rounds (90%) for time of:10 KB Snatch - 55/35 (5 each arm) + 15 Wall BallsNOTE: Make sure you are good and loose before doing this. Be aggressive with those hips and confident at the top on the KB snatch. Shoulder needs to remain active and confident at the top. STRONGA. Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes perform:1 Hang Squat SnatchNOTE: Pull off the ground as if you were going to snatch it, only stop at mid-thigh for a brief moment, and then transfer right into your hang squat snatch. Get the most out of all of your reps. Start at: 50% and work up to 85%. B. Snatch High Pulls 1. .1 .1; rest 2 minutesNOTE: Go heavy, resting 10 seconds in between singles. Work on maintaining that strong consistent back angle during your dead lift (don't let you butt come up). Work on getting the bar deep, past your pockets, and then go into the explosive pull. C. 4-5 Front Squat; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: Descend down 4 seconds, pause 1 second in the bottom, then Xplode up…Be slightly heavier than last week. Stick to the tempo.
BALANCE5 Minutes of: Max Calorie RowNOTE: Log how many calories you get…