Gym Experience
WAR ARTICLE: Click to Read "The Depressed Mind"
STUDENTCLEAR3 sets of: 15 Heavy KBS + Sprint 200 Meters rest 2 minutesNOTE: Time each round, trying to remain consistent. STRONG3 sets of:5 Hang Power Clean + R0w 200 meters rest 2 minutesNOTE: Load should be moderate...BALANCE3 sets of:5 Dead Lift (275/205) + Run 200 meters rest 2 minutesNOTE: Scale dead as necessary (technique) LIFE COACHCLEARA. 3 Sets of:3 Push Jerk (light) + 3 Split Jerk (same bar); rest 1 minuteNOTE: Just working on technique, getting you loose for the STRONG.STRONGA. Build to a tough single in the split jerk.NOTE: Try for a new 1 RM..BALANCEOn the minute for 30 minutes rotate through the following stationsMinute 1: 10/6 HSPU'sMinute 2: 15/10 Ring DipsMinute 3: 10 Pull Ups (working on being crisp and efficeint)NOTE: Log how you do...