The Daily Experience 1/14/14
WAR Life Coach Bub Hatch doing a Remote Experience in Hawaii. Bub has always been all about doing the WAR remote experiences. He's all about creating something unique for himself within the realm of nature and physical intensity. He seems to have found that special relationship between nature, physical activity, and spirituality, and how they are all linked. If you haven't talked to Bub about his philosophy behind doing these experiences than I encourage you to do so -- or email him at:
Remote ProgramA. AMRAP in 20 minutes of:30 Calorie Row + 5 Burpees + 30 Bar DipsNOTE: Get lost in this one. Challenge yourself, and work on gratitude and meditative thought as you fight through the pain. Bar dips are just dips done on a dip station, or they could even be done on a bench, however, I would prefer that you did them at a dip station if there is one available. B. 10 minute cool down walk while listening to good, inspirational music. Nothing hard, but something soft. Work on prayer and gratitude along the way.C. For 7 minutes, write about what went through your mind as you got lost in the 20 minute AMRAP. Did you find that you addiction could not touch you during that time? Post what you wrote....
Student ProgramCLEARComplete 3 Rounds (not for time) of:10 Air Squats5 Bupees10 Push-ups10 Push Press (bar)STRONGA. Build to a tough single in the Power Clean & JerkNOTE: Post load + video if you can..(youtube link)BALANCEA. AMRepsAP in 10 Minutes of:1 Clean & Jerk (135/85)5 Burpees2 Clean & Jerk (135/95)5 Burpees3 Clean & Jerk (135/95)**and so on and so forth until 10 minutes is up. Post how far you get...B. Read for 30 minutes after the experience, preferably somewhere quiet..Life Coach ProgramBALANCEA. 7 Minute AMRAP of:5 Toes2Bar + 5 Ring Dips + 5 BurpeesRest / read for 5 minutes and then....B. 7 Minute AMRAP of:5 Power Cleans (155/95) + 5 Push Jerk + 5 Burpee Bar HopsRest / read for 5 minutesC. 7 Minute AMRAP of:10 Calorie Row + 10 HSPUNOTE: Post three scores (a,b,c), showing total rounds + reps.+D. Read for 30 minutes after the experience..Preferably somewhere quiet..