The Weekend Experience

A. Run a 5k for time – 3.2 Miles. Be creative of where you choose to do this. Look to get lost in meditative thought and prayer.NOTE: Write about how this goes. What was your time? Did you do it Unbroken? What was the experience like? +B. What is your definition of Spirituality? This weekend I want you to go to the most quite place you can think of and meditate. It could be in your car, in the mountains, or wherever – just get away from everything. Think nothing but positive thoughts, pray, talk to yourself, notice how slow everything moves in that quite relaxing environment. Think deep!! Do this for 30 to 45 minutes – and then write about the experience. Post it..+C. Spend some good quality time with someone or the people you love.  People that play a positive role in your life – could be family, or a friend.  Maybe you go visit a loved one that you have lost touch with over the years. Maybe you designate a night to hang out with your parents.  Whatever it may be, make it unique to the point that your routine is changed, and you surprise yourself. Try and have a good positive conversation.  Think outside the box on this – and then write about it.+D. Read for 20 minutes X 6. Try and read in six different locations.