The Daily Experience 7/29/14
I missed these two. I'm so thankful for my kids. As you can see they were their moms biggest fans during the games. I thought their shirts were pretty funny. I'm thankful for my wife as well. She did so awesome and I'm so proud of her.Also, sorry for no post yesterday. I had a problem in getting internet and the server on the website went down for whatever reason--so I apologize. Lets have a good week and improve. REMOTE PROGRAMA. Run 2 miles for time (early AM or PM--plugged in)Spiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them. STUDENT PROGRAMClearA. 2 sets @ 90% of:Run 200 meters30 Double 1 minutesStrongA. Dead Lift: 3 x 2, 3 x 1 (85-95% progression)B. Pendlay Row: 3 x 5, AHAP.NOTE: Post loadsBalance4 sets for times of:Row 400 meters10 HSPU8 Power Snatch (135/95)10 Box Step Ups (24 inch--using 53lb kb) 2 minutesNote: post total time completed with including restSpiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClearA. Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes perform: Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk (115/75)Note: work on perfect technique. Goal is to get you ready to go for the strong..StrongA. 3 position Clean (floor, hang, power) + Jerk: Max for complex. + 1 x 1 @ 95%, 1 x 1 @ 90%.Demo VideoB. Split Jerk: 1RM. + 1 (95), 1 (90)C. Muscle Ups: max effort strict; rest 10 seconds; max effort kipp. x 3BalanceFor Time Complete:Row 500 meters15 target burpees (6 inches) 1:1NOTE: Post total time completed with including rest...Spiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them.