The Daily Experience 8/18/14

Me doing saturdays gym experience BALANCE "Framanda"--4:15. Cole started filming at about 11 thrusters in. I had a good experience and did the best that I could on that day, so I was happy.The BALANCEI go through ups and downs with the BALANCE; but I now realize the importance of me staying intense and doing the best that I can throughout them, regardless of how negative I might be feeling or where my nutrition is at. Of course, the pre workout nerves are there at first, but then they go away as I get lost in the escape of the BALANCE. The beginning seems to always be the worst until my heart rate adjusts in which I finally get comfortable with being uncomfortable.Afterwards, and since I did the best that I could on that particular day, I feel lifted in my mood and happy with myself for participating in something that somewhat scared me. Now I am BALANCED, and ready to perform in all of life.Post your thoughts, or an experience with the BALANCE REMOTE PROGRAMA. For Time Complete:50 Burpee Push-Ups (go down & do a perfect push-up, then burped it out)30 Perfect Push-Ups50 Fast burpeesNote: post time completed..B. Sprint 20 seconds @ 100%; walk pray / meditate for 4o seconds X 6C. Drive or walk to a quiet unique spot and then read for 30 minutes.D. After reading, and before you leave the quiet spot, say a prayer. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 sets (not for time) of:12 Perfect (postured) Air Squats into a box jump (24/20--step down) 60 secondsStrongA. Low Bar: 5 x 5 @ 85%B. Power Clean: 4 x 5, AHAP (heavier than last week)NOTE: Post loadsBalance3 Rounds For Time Of:Run 200 meters20 Wall Balls20 KBS (55.35).......and then after the 3 rounds perform60 Calorie RowsNote: post time completed…Spiritual WorkA. Drive or walk to a quiet unique spot and then read for 30 minutes.B. After reading, and before you leave the quiet spot, say a prayer. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClearA. Arch Hold: 3 x 0:20 (holding PVC Pipe--clean grip)B. Hollow Hold on Back: 3 x 0:20C. Box Shoulder Stretch: 3 x 0:20D. 20 slow burpee push-up Box Jumps (20)StrongA. 3 position snatch(floor, hang, power position-do not drop bar): Find Complex Max. + 1×1@95, 1×1@90%.B. 4 sets of:1. ME Strict HSPU; rest 15 seconds; 3 more strict HSPU (after ME, then drop, rest, and then perform 3)…….rest 90 seconds2. 5 Pause front squats (3 second pause in the very bottom with minimal rest at the top)–heavier than last week hopefully: for 5 reps…….rest 90 secondsNote: Post loads + how this goes.BalanceFor Time:Run 800 meters30 kbs (70/55)50 pistols30 kbs (70/55)Run 800 metersNOTE: Post time completed.Spiritual WorkA. Drive or walk to a quiet unique spot and then read for 30 minutes.B. After reading, and before you leave the quiet spot, say a prayer.