The Daily Experience 8/25/14
Specialty Coaching Tonight @ 6:30--Olympic WeightliftingCrossFit Games Athlete, Autumn Hawkins will be teaching olympic weightlifting tonight at 6:30. She will be teaching this Tuesday and next, which then we will go two weeks back on with Sheena -- where we will work on more gymnastics. Try not to miss these these specialty coaching courses. They will most likely be on Tuesday nights... REMOTE PROGRAMExperience Note: plugged in, and be creative with terrain. (from grass to trail to road, etc)A. For time complete50 Jumping Lunges (alternate legs--on grass)Run 1 mile50 Jumping Air SquatsRun 1 mileB. Afterwards, then read for 20 minutes on the site of where you experienced the run and air squats; be creative. Hopefully you can read on your phone–if not, then bring a book. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 sets of:1) 20 V-Ups…….rest 60 seconds2) 20 GH Raises (weighted if in shape with these)…….rest 60 secondsStrongA. In 10 minutes–find your 1rm in the Bench PressB. Bench Press at 80% of A: 6 x 2C. Pendlay Rows: 3 x 5, AHAP (all heavy work sets–heavier than last week)NOTE: Post loadsBalance2 Rounds For Max Reps Of:2 minutes of: chest 2 deck push 2 minutes2 minutes of: hang power cleans (115/75) 2 minutes2 minutes of: calorie rows…….rest 2 minutesNote: post total reps with including caloriesSpiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClear3 sets of:50 Unbroken Double Unders2 TgU's (55/35--1 each arm)…….rest 60 secondsStrongA. 3 position Clean (floor, hang, power) + Jerk: 5 x 1 @ 80%B. Split Jerk: 5 x 1 @ 80%C. Muscle Ups: 5 x 6-8 reps; rest exactly 2 minutes (better than last week)Note: Post loads + total reps accomplished on C.BalanceEMOM for 30 Minutes perform:min 1--Row 150 metersmin 2--10 Burpeesmin 3--10 Thrusters (95/65)min 4--10 Pull-Upsmin 5--Sprint 150 Meters (75 out / 75 back)NOTE: Post how this went...Spiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them.