The Daily Experience 8/28/14
Livastride FoundationThis is that foundation (Livastride) that I helped out with this summer in putting together a baseball tournament for suicide prevention, which also helps families and kids learn of the importance of being healthy in all areas of their life. It is a great foundation, and they are doing some really good things in the community. They are putting on a 5K this monday, september 1, at 8am--up at weber state. The cost is $20, and would be a good experience for anyone who wants to put some health into their system and to be apart of something real and great. Make it happen if you can. It is when we are charitable in our way of living that we will find the greatest amount of peace and happiness; and by you going and running you will be performing a great service.Here is the website: WAR Program Note: Please come ready with your load percentages already figured out. Also, study the experience, and develop a game plan of how you are going to tackle it. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and are taking care of yourself nutritionally. In order to live this strength & conditioning way of life, you must take care of yourself by being prepared each day or you will not make the type of progress that we are hoping for: by seeing yourself linear progress is what will help you to stay clear..Make it Happen Cap'ns... REMOTE PROGRAMA. Perform 7 Rounds For Time Of:10 BurpeesSprint 100 metersNote: post time completed...B. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 rounds (not for time) of:5-7 Strict Ring Dips5-7 Strict HSPU5-7 Strict Pull-UpNote: be perfect on technique and strict. Also, be better than last week..StrongA. Front Squat Session:1) 5 reps @ 70%2) 3 reps @ 80%3) 1 rep @ 90%4) 1 rep @ 95+ (reset 1RM if you feel good)5) ME reps of (3) second pause FS (in very bottom) @ 78%; rest 2 minutes X 3Note: post loads + reps….B. Dead Lift: 3 x 5; rest 90 seconds (slightly heavier than last week-all work sets across)NOTE: Post loads..Log!!!Balance7 Rounds For Time Of:7 Thrusters (95/65)7 Pull-Ups…….and then after the 7th round perform50 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20)NOTE: Post time completed..Spiritual WorkA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClear3 sets (not for time) of:1) 5-7 snatch balance (start light & build--better than last week)1 minute freestanding hand stand hold (accumulate 1min. even if you break) 90 secondsNote: post how this goes..StrongA. Power Snatch: 5 x 2 @80%B. Low Bar Session:Every 2:30 seconds perform:1) 6 reps @ 60%2) 4 reps @ 70%3) 2 reps @ 80%4) 6 reps @ 70%5) 4 reps @ 80%6) 2 reps @ 90%7) 4 reps @ 85%8) 4 reps @ 85%NOTE: Same as last week, however, increase load slightly, by maybe 3% if last week went well and no failed reps occurred.Balance4 sets for max reps of:1 min. ME strict HSPU1 min. ME power clean & jerk (185/125)1 min. ME 1 minuteNote: Post reps for each round + totalSpiritual WorkA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you.