The Daily Experience 9/16/14

REMOTE PROGRAMA. At a park or track perform for time:100 Sit-Up (anchored)Run 1 MileB. Say a prayer while cooling down. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 sets of:Ring / Hang L-Sit Hold, ALAP45 Second Weighted Plank Hold (45/25)……rest 60 secondsStrongA. 3 sets of:1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS (build each set–log)B. Push Press: 10rm. + 10 (95), 10 (90)C. Weighted Push-Ups (45/25): Max Effort x 3NOTE: Post loads + reps + how this goes...Balance5 Rounds For Time:15 Power Snatch (75/45)5 OHS (75/45)15 Box Jumps (24/20)Note: post time completed…Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down LIFE COACH PROGRAMClear2 sets (not for time) of:7 KB Squat Clean Thrusters (2 hands--light/medium load)7 Strict Pull-Ups7 Strict Ring Dips7 Broad JumpsStrongA. Hang Clean (just above knee): 5 x 1–five perfect lifts–heavy single.B. Quickly, build to a tough single in the split jerkC. 3 sets of:C1) 5 TnG Clean (full squat, and by 3rd set, go for a 5RM)…….rest 2 minutesC2) Max Effort Strict Muscle Ups in 90 seconds…….rest 2 minutesD. At 80% of 5RM on B1, perform: Max Effort TnG Squat CleansNote: Post loads + total reps accomplished on C.Balance12 minutes to complete:4 rounds of:15 Shoulder2Overhead (135/95)15 CTB Pull-Ups50 Double Unders.......with remainder of the 12 minutes performAMRAP of:Lateral Burpee Bar hopsNOTE: Post total burpee bar hops....Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down.