The Gym Experience 9/18/14
The WAR book is in print form--I'm pretty excited; it's real now I guess. The official book release and launch will be Saturday October 25th--so please open up you calendars and spread the word to anyone that you might want to invite.More details to come soon about the event. Dan is the program director and event coordinator, so please talk to him about how you can get involved. The book should be an awesome tool for the program, and will provide us with more opportunities to teach people how to live the WAR Lifestyle.
The WAR Life Coach Mission:
"We will think less about ourselves, and more about the wellness and welfare of those we are teaching and fellowshipping"
REMOTE PROGRAMA. Perform 5 sets for total time of:10 Push-Ups (chest2deck)Walking Lunges--30 steps10 Push-Ups (chest2deck)…….rest 2 minutes (meditate / pray)B. 50 Burpees for time (on grass)Note: So you do 10 push ups, then do 30 walking lunges, then 10 more push ups, then rest 2 minutes while meditating and praying. Then after A, rest as needed and perform Burpees.C. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 rounds @ 85%:10 high wall ballsrun 200 metersNote: be perfect on technique and strict. Also, be better than last week..StrongA. Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes perform: 8 Thrusters (AHAP) + 8 BurpeesNote: challenge yourself on the better than last week...B. Dead Lift Session:1) 5 reps @ 75%2) 3 reps @ 85%3) Max Effort Reps @ 95%Note: post loads + how this goes….BalanceComplete 30-20-10 for time:Calorie RowBurpees over the ERGNOTE: Post time completed…Spiritual WorkA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClear3 sets of:1 minute ring plank holds20 30 secondsStrongA. Split Jerk: 5 tng reps; rest 2 minutes X 3Note: these need be perfect touch and go. Catch it in the rack going down, and then go back into the split. Be better than last week….B. At 85% of A, perform: Max effort touch and go split jerk reps.C. 3 sets of the following couplet:1) 8 Front Squat (3 sec. pause in bottom)…….rest 2 minutes2) 8 Behind the Neck Push Press (clean grip)…….rest 2 minutesNOTE: Try and linear progress in all of the strong.BalanceEMOM for 15 minutes:minute 1: 10 burpee box overs (20)minute 2: 15 KBS (70/55--russian)minute 3: Run 150 metersNote: post how this goes.....Spiritual WorkA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you.