The Daily Experience 10/7/14

Simoan making it look easy. REMOTE PROGRAMA. AMRAP in 7 minutes of:Burpee Bench Jumps (do a burpee next to a bench then jump on it)B. Say a prayer while cooling down.C. Practice walking on your hands for 10 minutes STUDENT PROGRAMClearComplete @ 75%:30 Strict Toes2Bar30 BurpeesStrongA. 5 sets of: (build each set)Power Position Snatch + Hang SnatchB. Push Press: 5rm. + 5 (95), 5 (90). + ME Strict Press Set @ 60% of 5RMC. ME Strict Ring Dips (slow); rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Post loads + reps + how this goes…Balance4 sets for times of:8 TnG Snatch (full-95/65)30 Double Unders20 Pull-Ups (unbroken) 3 minutesNote: post 4 times, or total time completed with including rest..Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down LIFE COACH PROGRAMClearA. 10 minutes of skill work/mobilityStrongA. Two Position Clean (hang & power position): 5 x 1 — heavy but no missesB. Split Jerk: 5 x 2–heaviest possible.C. 4 sets of:C1) 3 TnG Clean (full squat)…….rest 90 secondsC2) 8 Tempo Ring Dips (3 sec. down, 3 sec. pause in  bottom, 3 sec. up, 3 sec. at top)…….rest 2 minutesD. ME TnG Cleans (full) @ 75% of established 3 rm..Note: Post loads/reps + total reps accomplished on D.BalanceAlternating EMOM for as long as possible (or until 20:00)Even:30 Double Unders5 Power Snatches (135/95)Odd:7 Bar-Facing Burpees7 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)NOTE: Post how far you get..Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down.