The Daily Experience 10/28/14
March performing in a running experience...Nice WorkNice work everyone. Keep staying consistent and trying to get better at all of the WAR lifestyle. Many are making great improvements. If you aren't moving forward each day then you are moving backwards. It's not possible to stay the same; you are either going forward or going backwards. Be one who is constantly moving forward and making progress.I'm thankful for WAR and all of you... REMOTE PROGRAMA. For time complete:100 Push-Ups100 Air Squats100 Sit-UpsB. Say a prayer while cooling down.C. Practice walking on your hands for 10 minutes STUDENT PROGRAMClearA. 5 Minute Row @ 70%B. 100 Double UndersStrongA. Quickly, and in 5 sets, build to a tough single in the clean (full)B. Push Press: 3rm. + 3 (95), 3 (90). + ME Strict Press Set @ 60% of 3RM (2nd week of 3’s)C. AMRAP in 3 minutes of:5 burpees + 5 ring dipsNOTE: Post loads + reps/rounds + how this better than last week..Balance3 sets for a total time of (to be done at 100% effort):5 full cleans (155/115)15 box jump overs (24/20)10 Push Press (155/115)--clean it up..15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)5 full cleans (155/115)…….rest 2 minutesNote: post 3 times, or total time completed with including rest..Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down LIFE COACH PROGRAMClearA. 10 minutes of skill work/mobilityStrongA. Clean from blocks (just above knee): 5 x 1 -- work to a max single in 5 sets.B. Split Jerk from blocks: 5 x 1 -- work to a max single in 5 sets.C. 4 sets of:C1) 3 paused Clean pulls (3 count at knee--heaviest possible)…….rest 90 secondsC2) 3 Push Press + Hold (3 count lock out overhead)…….rest 90 secondsNote: Post loads and how you felt.BalanceFor Time Complete:20 strict HSPU40 KBS (55/35)60ft. Single KB OH Walking Lunge (one arm)80 Double Unders60ft. Single KB OH Walking Lunge (other arm)40 KBS (55/35)20 Strict HSPU(outlaw emphasis)Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down.