Episode #24 - The Subtle Art Of Not....WAR Book Club

Reading? Yeah right! Dustin couldn't pass the ACT to go play college baseball, and thought he was too dumb to even enjoy reading. Little did he know that reading was necessary to save his life.Dustin & Don share stories about their recovery, talk about the important role reading and audiobooks play in growing, and give different ideas on how to capture spiritual experiences. This is a good listen for anybody who wants to gain some insight on how to live the WAR lifestyle.A new lifestyle of health needs to take place or nothing will. Become a reader! - so that new concepts can formulate in the mind. How would you expect to change your thinking if you are not putting new and improved concepts into your mind on how to act and live better. A great many of people have written books on how to make life happen. Lets be readers of those books. Be a Reader! Join the WAR bookwww.workoutaddictionrecovery.comTag@waraddiction