A Weeks Gym Prescription + Spiritual Work
A. Back Squat: 10, 10, 10
B. AMRAP in 8:
8 Thrusters (95/65)
8 Pull-Ups
….rest 3 min. In b/t
C. AMRAP in 8:
8 Reverse Lunges (95/65)
8 Burpee Bar Hops
D1. Bent Over Rows: 3 x 10; rest 15 sec.
D2. Ring Plank Holds: 3 x 60; rest 60 sec.
E. 12 min. walk in scenery (prayer / gratitude)
A. In 7, build to a tough single in the power clean (technique work / get loose with bar)
B. 5 sets of:
Row 400 meters
12 Dead Lift (155/105)
36 Double Unders / Heavy Jump Rope
18 KBS (70/55/35)
…….rest 2 min.
C. Bench Press: 10, 10, 10, 10
D. Send out 3 healthy text messages..
NOTE: On B, you are trying for 5 consistent times.
A. Front Squat: 10, 10, 10
B. AMRAP in 15 (TEST):
30 AB Calories
30 Wall Balls
30 Burpee Box Jumps (20)
…rest 3 min.in b/t
C. AMRAP in 15 (TEST):
30 Calorie Rows
30 Balls Slams (30/20)
30 Goblet Russian Step Ups (55/35)
D. 75 anchored weighted Sit-Ups For Time
A. 7 min. Jog @ z1 pace
B. 5 sets of:
100 yard hill sprints
…….rest is slow walk down
C. 12 min. Walk (audiobook)
NOTE: Find a hill that you can jog to and then sprint up it 5 times. Working on gratitude and prayer the entire way.
A. In 10, build to a tough single in the power snatch (technique work / get loose for B)
B. 7 sets of:
7 AB Calories
7 TnG Power Snatch (95/65/55)
7 Burpee Bar Hops
…….rest 90 sec.
C1. RDL: 4 x 8
C2. Strict HSPU / Strict Press: 4 x 8-12
NOTE: Again—on B—we are looking for consistency.
A. 30 minute jog @ Z1 pace (bundle up and make it happen)
B. 30 minutes of reading
C. Say an out loud prayer