Becoming a SOAR Recovery Coach: Knowledge
Knowledge Framework
Every good coach is a reader and learner. If you aren't willing to keep learning, then you won't be a good coach
How would you expect to change your thinking without putting new and improved concepts into your minds? So many great and successful people have written books for us to read, and it would be a mistake to not seek counsel and advice from these books.
Reading cannot be a casual effort—you have to be diligent. You may not be good at it at first, but just like anything else—the more you do it the better you will become. Be a reader!
Read books that are going to help you improve yourself. Self help books, autobiographies, inspirational stories of people overcoming addiction, etc..
We promote having books in our cars and on our phones so that we can make our down time into reading time. If we have thirty minutes to kill, then we can sit in our car and read our books. You will gain more from an E-Book than Facebook.
Get in the practice of reading for ten minutes, three to four times a day. Also, switch up the location of where you are reading so that new memories can form. We are trying to help you create new spiritual memories. Don’t be afraid to read in scenery.
Reading eliminates boredom and gives us something to work on that can help us feel better about ourselves. Go for a jog and then read. Go for a hike, and then read in scenery. Go for a drive while listening to music, and then stop somewhere reverent to read. Listen to audiobooks on these experiences. Got it?
In the Big Book of AA, we read stories about how people traveled from the depths of hell to finding peace and sobriety. These people created a curriculum in the School of Addiction that has helped many. We are promoting we write our story down so that others might be helped on down the road.
Try journaling about your experiences in the School of Addiction. You can write about a jogging experience or how a recent gym experience made you feel. You can write about spiritual experiences, overcoming cravings, or what advice someone may have given you, etc..Don’t worry about grammar or punctuation—just get it out.
The progression of SOAR is from struggling student—to thriving SOAR life coach.
If we are going to lead students to change, we sure better know the curriculum we are teaching or we will stop being called upon to coach and teach. From student to coach we go! One Day At A Time!
Be one who studies so that you can find out what interests you—you never know where this new knowledge may lead you. Maybe it leads you back into the university setting. Maybe it leads you be becoming a fitness / nutrition professional. Maybe it leads you to being a motivational speaker. Maybe it leads you to being a SOAR LIFE COACH—and the world moving forward needs plenty of those. Let your PhD in the School of Addiction lead you to gaining your PhD at a university. Imagine having both of those PhD’s and how many people you could help. Just a thought. The addict personality is a beautiful personality if it can be pointed in the right direction.