Friday Red Session Week 5

"The Big Picture"

WAR Workout4 Rounds of:10 Thrusters (95/75/65)10 Ring Dips10 BurpeesRest 3 Minutes+Tabata Push Ups (4 Minutes - Low Score)+Rest 1 MinuteTabata Sit Ups (4 Minutes- Low Score)NOTE: Time Each Round Individually, add up at the end for total score.  Log workout and times in your Journal.  Be diligent in your Gym note taking.WAR Weekend AssignmentGive something up this weekend.  Sacrifice something for the greater good. Sacrifice time by helping someone, donate money to a charity, lend your car to someone, offer to share something with someone, sacrifice your routine by doing something with someone you love – movie, bowling, bookstore, Etc. Journal Title: Understanding the Greater Good (Big Picture) & the Role it Will Play in My Life.

“Make this happen - change your weekend routine by giving something up for the GREATER GOOD by making sacrifices that will benefit others”