Monday Red Session Week 6
"Charitable Person"
WAR WorkoutMuscle ups 1-3 Reps on the Minute for 10 Minutes OR 5-10 strict pull ups.Rest 3 minutesA1. Front Squat 8 reps (lighter 185,155,135,115 - work on speed out of the hole) X 3Rest 10A2. Box jumps 20 reps fast (20 inch box) X 3Rest 2 minutesB1. Parallette HSPU AMRepsAP OR HSPU AMRepsAP OR shoulder press (95,75) X 3Rest 1 minuteB2. GHD raises 12 Reps X 3Rest 1 MinuteClassroom Discussion“By understanding the BIG picture, I can fully appreciate My life, and the people that are apart of it”
“I grasp what it means to see the big picture, and constantly look for opportunities to make a difference”
By making sacrifices for the greater good is a form of charity that will help you to learn to love and appreciate all things. What is you definition of Charity?Journal Title: Charity & the Role it Will Play in My Life.Log your Gym Notes in your Journal, along with your Journal Topic Notes. Be extensive, the Journal is the Heart and Soul of the WAR Program."Make it Happen Cap'n"