Friday Black Session Week 1
WAR WorkoutTeam WorkoutPart 1:500 meter row30 wall balls30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75)30 Box Jumps (24inch)30 Push Press (75lbs)30 dead lift (135lbs)NOTE: 3 man teams. First team member runs through entire circuit. After the last dead lift, the second team member begins row. Score equals total team time. Part 2:Max total pull ups- UnbrokenNOTE: Same 3 man team. Each team member begins at the same time. Must stop after first broken rep. Score is all three team member score's combined. WAR Weekend AssignmentWrite a letter to someone this weekend (Family member, friend, grandparents, etc.) Tell them about this new WAR program that you have started. Tell them about the changes you Hope to make by doing this program. At the end of this letter tell the person how much they mean to you and then either mail it out or give it to them. Then I want you to write in your journal how you felt while writing the letter & after. Get deep with yourself.“Make this Happen – remember, the goal of these weekend assignments is to get you to think outside the box. These assignments are the heart and soul of the program”