Tuesday Black Session Week 1
"The Educated Mind Is A Powerful Mind"
WAR WorkoutA. 3 rounds for time of:Goblet Squat 15 Reps (70,55)Ring Dips 15 Reps Rest 5 minB. 3 rounds for time of:Row 250 mDouble Unders 30 Reps Rest 5 minC. 3 rounds for time of:Box Jumps 15 RepsPull Ups 15 Reps Rest 5 minNOTE: I will assign you to A,B,or C. From there you will complete the round and then move onto the next couplet - resting 5 minutes in between.Classroom DiscussionJournal Title: Becoming educated about addiction/substances/WAR Lifestyle & the role it will play in my life.“I will do my best to gain an understanding about the harmful affects that drugs and alcohol have on my body and mind. I will always look for opportunities to examine my own addictive behavior with what I am learning, and will become a student that is constantly looking for ways to manage my addictive behavior”- Dustin Hawkins