Tuesday Black Session Week 1

"The Educated Mind Is A Powerful Mind"

WAR WorkoutA. 3 rounds for time of:Goblet Squat 15 Reps (70,55)Ring Dips 15 Reps Rest 5 minB. 3 rounds for time of:Row 250 mDouble Unders 30 Reps Rest 5 minC. 3 rounds for time of:Box Jumps 15 RepsPull Ups 15 Reps Rest 5 minNOTE: I will assign you to A,B,or C.  From there you will complete the round and then move onto the next couplet - resting 5 minutes in between.Classroom DiscussionJournal Title: Becoming educated about addiction/substances/WAR Lifestyle & the role it will play in my life.

“I will do my best to gain an understanding about the harmful affects that drugs and alcohol have on my body and mind.  I will always look for opportunities to examine my own addictive behavior with what I am learning, and will become a student that is constantly looking for ways to manage my addictive behavior”- Dustin Hawkins