Friday Black Session Week 2

"Switch It Up"

WAR WorkoutA1. GHD Raises 15 reps X 4 Rest 10A2. GHD Sit Ups 15 reps X 4 Rest 2 Minutes +Rest 5 Minutes5 Rounds for time of:Push Jerk 10 Reps (155,135,115)Pull Ups 10 RepsBox Jumps 10 Reps (24 inch)KB Swings 10 (70,55)WAR Weekend AssignmentSpend some good quality time with someone or the people you love.  People that play a positive role in your life – could be family, or a friend.  Maybe you go visit some one that you have lost touch with over the years. Maybe you designate a night to hang out with your parents.  Whatever it may be, make it unique to the point that your routine is changed, and you surprise yourself. Try and have a good positive conversation.  Think outside the box on this – and then write about it in your journal.Journal Title: The People I love & the Important Role they will Play in my Life

"Make it Happen Cap'n"