Tuesday Black Session Week 3

Anything's Possible

WAR WorkoutA. AMRoundsAP in 7 Minutes of:5 Ring Dips5 Burpees Rest 10 Minutes B. Row 500 Meters (100 percent effort) X 3. Rest 4 Minutes Actively (Work on HSPU, HSPU Holds)Classroom DiscussionSince you've started this class, can you see the power of physical intensity?  Can you see the physical capabilities of the human body, and how the mind tells you to quit when in reality our physical body is capable of achieving so much more? Can you see how by doing WAR workouts will help repair your confidence and self esteem?NOTE: Come ready to have a good discussion about this. Brain Strength Training.Journal Title: The Amazing Power of the Mind as it Relates to the Physical Body & the Role the Two Will Play in My Life

“After one achieves what his mind told him/her they couldn’t achieve, an amazing thing happens – confidence”.

“WAR will not only provide confidence in the Gym, but in our daily lives as well”