Thursday Black Session Week 4
"Finally Happy Again"
WAR WorkoutA. Push press 3 reps X 5. Rest 2 MinutesB. Front Squat 3 reps X 5 Rest 2 Minutes +AMRoundsAP in 12 Minutes of:3 Squat Clean Thrusters (155,135,115,95)6 Ring Dips9 Knees2Elbows (Advanced Toes2Bar)Classroom DiscussionA. Discuss Monday & Tuesday Journal Topics: Becoming a Confident Person & Time Management.B. Discuss Sport's Psychologist's Presentation.NOTE: Come ready to have a good "Powerful" discussion. Think about the things you may want to say - this is important."Excercise'n The Mind, It's Brain Strength Training"-Eminem